Thursday, April 28, 2011


 I am annoyed by the lack of participation at my work during this "bring your child to work day." Of the eight people who could have brought their children in today, only one did. What possible reason could you have for not bringing your child to work on this day! The one day of the year when its fine to have them with you at your job. If my kids were here they would be with me. Would they learn anything special from seeing me work, probably not. Would I work as hard as I normally do, probably not. Would I be overjoyed at the fact that I get to spend an entire day with my kids, a privilege usually only reserved for weekends or holidays, absolutely. It may be selfish, but what other reason do you need to bring your children with you, to be able to see them in a place where you can only think about them.

 I am sure that it is only because my kids are not here that this is bothering me so much, but when they were here my son came with me and I had a great day at work. I never enjoyed work so much as when he was here messing things up. It really makes me angry that all these people can so easily dismiss a chance to be with their children, using excuses like school or not thinking anyone else would do it. Who cares if anyone else does it. Why are you worried about what someone else does when you should be thinking of all the things you can show your child, or things to interest them while you work. Just having them near me as I worked would make me so happy.

 I hope they realize, before its too late, how few and far between chances like these really are. Because, in the end, it is not a lack of participation of this event that really bothers me, but a willing lack of participation in the lives of our children.

1 comment:

saamer said...

That was my favorite time of year when I could go to work with my dad. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he owned a donut shop :)